We arrange energy tours for youngsters to explore plants and projects, offering firsthand experiences with energy equipment. These trips foster a deeper understanding of diverse energy sources and technologies.

We have developed an energy program specifically designed for children aged 12-18 years. This program is delivered both locally in schools and through our online platform.

Enerhack specialists have developed a variety of practical experiments that can be used to conduct exciting workshops for children. These workshops are highly suitable for company events.

During one week, school students visit the campus of the university, where they receive a comprehensive overview of energy. The learning experience primarily involves engaging in practical experiments.

Enerhack Education project raise awareness of kids in the field of energy




12.grade student
"I highly recommend this course, because this course has been the most interesting in 3 years"

"Seemed interesting. Lots of practice and less theory"

"Because it seemed like an exciting topic and the subject is taught by a good teacher, in addition to that I wanted to be away from school for once and TalTech seemed like the perfect place for that"
12.grade student
"At times I was interested in the topic of energy, and there are opportunities for further education here (for a highly paid and necessary position)"

"Everything, how it was carried out and learned a lot about the topics, and there was practice as well as guests who talked about their field."
12.grade student
"I liked everything. the teachers were nice, the practice was interesting and the whole week itself was very tip-top"

"And, just go, you won't regret it! Totally nice"
12.grade student
"Within the course, I got a better understanding of where I want to go in the future and what options I have."

"I recommend it. University life is quite different from high school life. Second, this subject/topic (thermal energy) is super cool."